Reducing Food Waste in Malmö

Reducing Food Waste in Malmö

Reducing Food Waste in Malmö



Great initiative

We should do something against wasting food!

Great initiative!!

Excellent initiativ...

Muy bien...adelante!

Excellent idea, but I was not clear of the mechanism to ensure less waste from the smaller shops. I think it needs more detail...

Query: how much research have you done talking to small businesses? Most small grocers in England limit the amount of perishable food which they sell to a minimum. This will make the logistics of collection points difficult.

Idea is excellent and needed all around the world. But do you think this has anything to do with COVID because as per the challenge here we are looking for ideas that incorporates economic uplifting of sectors that are hit by this pandemic. I think you should reconsider the bit modification in your idea.

What happens with fresh food such as vegetables and fruit- they do not last long after the sell by date- so you may end up taking others waste. Also are you thinking about food that would need refrigerating- if so how would you ensure that it is kept at a low temperature so you don't end up with food poisoning. Most of the initiatives in the UK don't deal with perishable food. Those that do, send perishable food to restaurants to cook meals for those who need it.

Me encanta la idea. Excelente iniciativa

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