Agrivoltaics; Sheep enjoy shade on Solar Farms in the heat.

Agrivoltaics; Sheep enjoy shade on Solar Farms in the heat.

In Menzies we can benefit from Agrivoltaics. PV panels on the farm, Farmers earn more $ & we generate clean Electricity. Win, win! Trials have shown better WOOL quality & better MEAT too. WATER condensation also drips onto ground for more Grass growth! Land use optimised thru dual use. Sheep save farmers $ by "mowing" grass under PV panels. Sheep are not essential, but popular in Oz. Many types of CROPS (vines or fruit) can benefit also.🐏 Much research around world into this.


While there is dispute about putting solar panels and wind turbines on agricultural land, the fact is that farmers can make thousands of dollars by accepting these technologies and to some extent work their other products ie sheep around them. This gives the farmers additional and steady income in an industry where climate change is challenging farm production more than ever.

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