Bennelong in One Room

Bennelong in One Room

What should be done to reduce the impact on our cost of living & lives in Bennelong, as we move away from coal, gas and oil?


Encourage consumer choice, and ban embedded systems

Ad campaigns and information sessions

Increased Urban Density

Promote Home Solar/ Battery Electricity

Changes in Residential Design

More + cheaper / subsidised local public transport options

Expanded Access to EVs

Support and Accountability from Government and Big Business

Australian design for Australian energy

Example Idea (Add a short title for your idea)

Get rid of Rebates

More EV Charging Options on Road Kerbside

Hats on Lamps

Stepped pricing for energy use

Return to efficient technology

Install Community Batteries

Cover all parking areas in MQ Uni with solar panels

Workshop Idea - The "What If" question

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information